Indexed Annuities vs. Mutual Funds: What’s the Difference?

Indexed Annuities vs.Mutual Funds: What’s the Difference?
Balancing growth with asset preservation is essential when planning for retirement. Indexed annuities and mutual funds are two popular tools that are often compared. Here's a breakdown of their key differences and roles in financial strategy.
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What Are They?
Mutual Funds: Investment vehicles pooling money to buy stocks,bonds, or other securities. Returns are tied directly to market performance,offering growth potential and exposing your principal to market risk.
Indexed Annuities: Insurance products offering interest credits linked to stock index performance. They protect your principal from market losses but may cap your growth potential. Optional riders can add features like guaranteed lifetime income.
How They Work
Mutual Funds: Their value fluctuates with the performance of their underlying assets. They provide growth and liquidity but also fully expose investors to market ups and downs.
Indexed Annuities: Interest credits are based on index performance but are limited by caps or participation rates. Your principal remains safe from market declines.
Growth and Risk
Mutual funds grow with market gains but shrink with losses.
Indexed annuities limit upside potential but offer downside protection,ensuring your balance never decreases due to market downturns.
Mutual funds are highly liquid, allowing daily buying and selling.
Indexed annuities focus on long-term goals and may impose withdrawal penalties, particularly for early access or amounts exceeding contract terms.
Tax and Fees
Mutual funds may trigger taxes on gains even if you don’t sell shares, and fees can increase with portfolio size.
Indexed annuities grow tax-deferred, with fees generally set up front for long-term stability.
Final Thoughts
Both tools serve specific purposes, and the best choice depends on your retirement goals, risk tolerance, and income needs. Speak with a financial advisor to find the right fit for your strategy.
Want to discuss your retirement goals and create a strategy tailored to your needs? Schedule a call with retirement specialist Danny Favreau today. Click here to book your appointment now.
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