Will a Social Security Maximization Report help you out?
At this point, we move our focus from investment assets to your retirement income sources. For many individuals, Social Security is a foundation of their retirement income plan. With so many potential filing scenarios, Social Security can be a very complex topic. The Social Security Maximization Report is designed to bring clarity; first by educating you about your options and second by providing you with the optimized filing scenario based on your specific situation. This report considers many different filing factors including disability, divorce, loss of spouse, earned income, the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), the Government Pension Offset (GPO), family benefits, life expectancy changes, and cost of living increases.
The Social Security Maximization report analyzes possible filing strategies,examines multiple scenarios, and helps report examines multiple scenarios, and helps determine a solution for your clients. It provides a retirement roadmap with dates and instructions to optimize Social Security income.
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